Illustration by : Kamya Gupta
"Does this spark joy for me?" A question that made it to the headlines back in 2019 and continues to trend. Who is the trendsetter? Marie Kondo. An organization master and author of KonMari Media, Inc., who turned into an easily recognized name around the planet from her overall top-rated book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing, and later star of Netflix's hit show, "Tidying Up With Marie Kondo." She introduced the world to The KonMari Method, a genius way to deal with hoarding closets. She energizes cleaning by classification, not the area but with just a question, Does it spark joy? On the off chance that things do not bring one euphoria, her site says, "Thank them for their service—then let them go."
The Marie Kondo fad shaped itself in 2019. However, it surged back in 2020 on a new level when the world announced a lockdown to control the Coronavirus pandemic when civilians were asked to stay back at home. Resorting to cleaning became an integral aspect to get through the monotonous days. Strategically Kondo launched an online tidying course, KonMari Method: Fundamentals of Tidying. The 10-episode video series offered step-by-step instruction and visual inspiration on bringing the organizational guru's bestselling tidying strategies into one's own home.
Ultimately, the goal is to have less and live in a more streamlined and facilitated environment. Kondo has said that by cleaning, she acknowledges individuals can completely change them and even more expeditiously achieve their destinations. That clarity in the natural environment, she explains, brings amicability, care and urges people to live in the present rather than the past.
The likelihood that minor wreck can improve success is maintained by science. A study drove by researchers at Princeton University found that interruption can overwhelm the visual cortex and make focusing irksome. A commended report including an over-the-top number of jams showed that more choices could indeed incite loss of movement and vulnerability; that less can without a doubt be better.
Kondo's method made it to India's top celebrity Deepika Padukone's house during the lockdown, influencing millions on Instagram to keep up with the 'productivity in lockdown' trend. The actress posted a picture on Instagram of slips with name tags of different kitchens with the caption "Season 1: Episode 6 You know...In case it wasn't clear enough... #wannabemariekondo Productivity in the time of COVID-19!"
To get on with the KonMari method, one of the first directions is to start tidying by category and not by location, as Marie describes. Step by step, one should tidy five categories in a specific order:
Komono (all miscellaneous items)
Sentimental items.
The technique gets as sustainable as it can. It permits us to perceive what we have at home by putting everything in one spot. When all the garments one owns are set in one room, it causes you to acknowledge how much additional one owns and what amount is superfluous. Now and then, we can fail to remember what we own, and that is why it is vital to reveal some insight inside our closets. That can be a significant motivation behind why we purchase superfluous things.
A specific advantage of the KonMari strategy is that it incorporates point-by-point guidelines yet gives a considerable scope for deciphering it. The euphoria that belongings should give us is not carefully characterized, and people can pick how this feels to them. This may assist with improving the feeling of achievement one feels when wrapped up. Exploration proposes that backhanded clues for completing an assignment lead to a more sure encounter than straightforwardly advising somebody how to accomplish something. Another benefit of Marie's method is that it is not restricted to our closets.
A particular framework regularly limits us. Once the items are in order, the reason for joy and misery is ascribed to the framework instead of the actual articles. This features the significance of keeping everything under control of the framework. Despite the past conviction that organizing can be overwhelming and monotonous, the KonMari strategy's arrangement makes a remarkable encounter that frequently brings about an undeniable degree of joy. Eventually, the candid display of focusing closely on our lives' significant aspects can place everything into better concentration and permit us to assume more responsibility for our lives instead of simply allowing life to occur. Cleaning is only a device, not the last objective. The genuine objective ought to be to build up the way of life we need most once our home has been taken care of.